Hani Altwaijry

I received my Ph.D. in May 2017 working with Prof. Serge Belongie at SE(3) Computer Vision group at Cornell University and Cornell Tech. My research focused on matching images in a learning framework.

I am currently working at Apple Inc. as a Computer Vision and Machine Learning Engineer with the 3D Vision team.

[Curriculum Vitae]



Learning to Detect and Match Keypoints with Deep Architectures

Altwaijry, Hani; Veit, Andreas; Belongie, Serge

Learning to Detect and Match Keypoints with Deep Architectures

British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), York, UK, 2016.

(Links | BibTeX)

Learning to Match Aerial Images with Deep Attentive Architectures

Altwaijry, Hani; Trulls, Eduard; Hays, James; Fua, Pascal; Belongie, Serge

Learning to Match Aerial Images with Deep Attentive Architectures

Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Las Vegas, NV, 2016.

(Links | BibTeX)


Recognizing Locations with Google Glass: A Case Study

Altwaijry, Hani; Moghimi, Mohammad; Belongie, Serge

Recognizing Locations with Google Glass: A Case Study

IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Steamboat Springs, Colorado, 2014.

(Links | BibTeX)


Relative Ranking of Facial Attractiveness

Altwaijry, Hani; Belongie, Serge

Relative Ranking of Facial Attractiveness

Workshop on the Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Clearwater Beach, Florida, 2013.

(Abstract | Links | BibTeX)

Ultra-wide Baseline Aerial Imagery Matching in Urban Environments

Altwaijry, Hani; Belongie, Serge

Ultra-wide Baseline Aerial Imagery Matching in Urban Environments

British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), Bristol, 2013.

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